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Q: Briefly, what does Infinity Continuity do?

A: We are an independent organisational resilience consultancy and training practice, with a core focus in emergency preparedness and business continuity. Our goal is to help businesses and governments enhance their competitive edge and resiliency to operate not just in today, but also tomorrow’s complex operating environment. To simply put, we take a holistic approach in understanding an organisation’s scope of business functions and determine whether each of these would be able to anticipate, respond to threats and recover from potential disruptions.

Q: Is it true that only “large” organisations with regional or global presence require a business continuity plan?

A: The answer is a definite “no”. As long as an organisation, firm, or even a “small” business setup is providing goods or services to any stakeholder, they should seriously consider reviewing their current business processes, the environment which they operate in, the desired branding of their firm, and evaluate for themselves how resilient they will be should the business environment change or when unplanned disruptions take place. The recent global experience with the COVID-19 pandemic should serve as an unfortunate “wake up” call for all organisations in any sector.

Q: When we embark on a BCM programme, how long does it take to complete?

A: This depends on the size and organisational complexity of the business setup. Infinity Continuity will have to assess current risk management programmes in place, the level of business continuity and crisis management awareness, and any other specific factors applicable to firms in a particular industry that may pose a potential threat to the organisation, before providing an estimated programme duration. As a gauge, for country-based “medium” sized businesses, it should not take more than 5 to 8 months.

Q: Our organisation currently has some elements of BCM in place. How can Infinity Continuity assist to ensure we are “BCM ready”?

A: Often, most organisations would have some elements of BCM in existence (for example, the presence of a fire evacuation plan). Infinity Continuity will seek to understand which of these elements are in existence before recommending a programme solution. The key to a successful BCM implementation is to understand the business objectives as well as culture of the organisation before proposing a solution. A BCM programme that works for certain companies in certain industries may not necessarily work for another even within the same industry.

Q: We have previously embarked on a full BCM programme. As part of programme maintenance, we only need specific support from Infinity Continuity. Can this be provided?

A: Absolutely! Infinity Continuity can provide the required expertise to facilitate your current BCM programme maintenance. Whether it’s for a specific BCM component or executing an audit, we are there to assist. Drop us a note with some brief background and we’ll get in touch with you.

Q: Infinity Continuity seems to be a “small” resilience consultancy practice in the current field of emergency preparedness and business continuity consultancy. What assurance can we have and why should we engage you?

A: Organisations have the option to choose whichever organisational resilience, business continuity or emergency preparedness consultancy firm to attend to their needs. We often recommend to our clients to select one based on their own needs, available resources, budget and level of expertise required. If you are looking for a consultancy practice that is able to provide a varied approach to mitigating disruptive risks in your company and is able to propose solutions based on proven “operational experience” that will work for you during unplanned disruptions or crisis, then Infinity Continuity is definitely the firm worth partnering with. As an independent organisational resilience consultancy and training practice, we operate with only what is required to deliver the task at hand and if required, recommend (at the client’s agreement) proven and credible strategic partners who share the same belief as Infinity Continuity (needless to say, cost efficiency is expected).

Q: When I engage Infinity Continuity, what level of expertise will we be getting?

A: As an independent organisational resilience consultancy practice with niche expertise, you will be partnered with certified business continuity professionals (example, from the BCI) with years of practical as well as actual planning and field experience (including attending to real live crisis scenarios over the years). The initial team that meets up with you, will involve the lead programme manager.

Q: Besides your core focus in emergency preparedness and business continuity, what other disciplines do you cover?

A: In ensuring organisational resilience for our clients, Infinity Continuity provides consultancy and training services in other related disciplines (for example, occupational safety and health, fire safety management and mental health resilience) subject to the organisation’s needs.

Q: Are training programmes or courses conducted by Infinity Continuity “accredited” or “recognised” by any professional body or institution?

A: Programmes and courses conducted by us are prepared, peer reviewed and delivered by trained, qualified and certified practitioners in the fields of risk management, emergency preparedness and business continuity. Infinity Continuity delivers both standardised as well as customised courses for our learners, leading to “Certificates of Achievement” (including our “Organisational Resilience Special” course series which come with CPD points accredited by the Singapore Civil Defence Force, as well as the Singapore Institiute of Safety Officers). Since 2024, Infinity Continuity has also been recognised by the Business Continuity Institute (BCI, UK) as a Licensed Training Partner, to deliver its globally recognised certification course in business continuity (CBCI) as well as its suite of specialised programmes catered to various aspects of business and organisational resiliency. To be notified of upcoming events and courses, do visit HERE.

BCI Licensed Training Partner
BSI ISO 22301 Lead Practitioner

Schedule a free consulting call with us or simply drop us an email to find out how we can help